Microsferics TOA Lightning Network
Local mLDN TOA Network 2 hr Lightning Plot - updates every 30 seconds
(Displays data within 600 km of Regina)
NWR Weather and the following Prairie sites are members of this network:
Barker Farms (Wilkie)
West Lethbridge Weather
Hanna Weather Station
Sasklightning (Saskatoon)
Visit the Microsferics Home Page for more real-time maps and information on the network.
(Displays data within 600 km of Regina)
NWR Weather and the following Prairie sites are members of this network:
Barker Farms (Wilkie)
West Lethbridge Weather
Hanna Weather Station
Sasklightning (Saskatoon)
Visit the Microsferics Home Page for more real-time maps and information on the network.
Local mLDN TOA Network 6 hr Timelapse
(Updates every 5 minutes)
(Updates every 5 minutes)
North American mLDN Network Coverage Map